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:: MLWF ::
Labour Welfare Fund Act
Applicability :
Applicable to the whole of Maharashtra and to all establishments wherein minimum 5 or more persons are employed.
Contribution :
- By employer, employees and State Govt.
- Payable every six months inrespect of every employer and employees at the following rates:
- Employees drawing wages exceeding Rs 3000: Rs. 12.00
- Employer's contribution will be three timesof the amount payable by employees.
Penalty :
Failure to produce the records or registers or other documents on demand for inspection shall on conviction shall be punished:
- for the first offence with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 months or fine which may extend to 500/- or both.
- for subsequent offences imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months or fine extends to 1000/- or both.
Statutory Forms :
- Proforma for new coverage
- Form A1 Cum Return.