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:: Shop & Establishment ::

The Shops and Establishment Act

Applicability :

It extend to the whole of the State of Maharashtra. It shall in the first instance come into force in the local areas specified in schedule – I. By notification to local areas having population of more than 25000 or less than 25000. By notification to any establishment / class of establishment or person / class of persons.

Commercial Establishment {S.2(4) } – Carrying on any business / trade etc. in connection / incidental to such trade etc. includes : (a) establishment of legal and medical practitioners, and such other professionals, (b) Society, (c) Charitable trust carrying on any trade etc. whether for gain or not.

Establishment { S.2(8) }: - means a shop, commercial establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theatre or other places of public amusement to which this Act applies and to those establishments to which Act applies by notification.

Shop { S.2(27) } : Premises where goods are sold and services rendered to customers. Includes office, storeroom, godown, warehouse, or work place in the same premises or not-used in connection with trade or business. Does not include-factory, commercial establishment, residential hotel, restaurant, eating house, theatres and other places of public amusement.

For each offence: fine ranging from Rs 50 to Rs 1500.00 and conviction upto 10 days.

Statutory Forms / Records :

  • Registration - Form A
  • Renewal of Registration – Form B
  • Notice of Change – Form E