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:: Frequently Ask Question ::
What are the returns to be submitted by an Employer and When?
- Un-exempted E.P.F.
- Payments of remittance of contributions in SBI – on or before 15th of every month
- Submission of monthly returns in form 12A – on or before 25th of every month
- Submission of monthly returns in form 5 for new member employees and form 10 for member employees who have left the service – on or before 25th of every month
- Annual returns in form no 3A and 6A – on or before 30th April of the financial year
- Exempted E.P.F.
- Payments of remittance of contribution – on or before 15th of every month.
- Payments of Pension Fund and administrative charges to SBI - on or before 15th of every month.
- Submission of monthly return in Appendix A to RPFC – on or before 25th of every month.
- AnnualSubmission of Annual return to RPFC – on or before 30th of April.
- E.S.I.S.
- Payments of Contribution - on or before 21st of every month.
- Declaration forms within 10 days of appointment of employee to concerned branch manager.
- Submission of returns for half year ending on 31st march and 30th September – within 42 days of end of contribution period.
- Accident form no 16 should be submitted to branch office within 24 hours of occurring of major/fatal accident or with 48 hours of occurring of minor accident.
- Professional Tax Act
- When yearly P-Tax is above Rs 20,000/- payments should be deposited before end of the month.
- L.W.F
- Payments should be submitted within 1 month of half year ending 30th June and 31st December – on or before 15th of July and 15th January.
- Payment of Bonus Act
- Annual return in form D – with 8 months of year ending.
- Payment of wages Act
- Annual return in form V – on or before 15th February.
- Contract Labour (R&A) Act
- Annual return in form XXI for principal employer – on or before 15th February.
- Half yearly return in form XXIV for Contractor – on or before 30th January and 30th july.
- Factories Act
- Annual return in form 27 – before 1st February
When should the licenses be renewed?
- Shops and Establishment license– before 15th of December
- Factory license, under Factories Act – before 31st of October
- Contract Labour license– before 60 days of expiry date
What is the EPF withdrawal procedure for an outgoing member?
- After leaving service a member can submit his PF withdrawal form no 19 and pension withdrawal form 10-C or 10-D only after completion of 60 days waiting period
When can an employee withdraw the PF amount?
- Member employee can withdraw the PF amount standing to his credit On resignation.
- On retirement from the service.
- On termination due to voluntary retirement Scheme, retrenchment closure of factory / establishment.
What are the benefits of E.P.F.?
- Advance for purchase of dwelling site / house/ flat.
- Advance for construction of house.
- Advance for major illness via hospitalization for more than a month